Talent Ticker Website UX/UI


  • Created with : Sketch, Balsamiq, Hotjar, Photoshop

Talent Ticker

Recruitment SaaS Platform

The Talent Ticker website is a SaaS platform that provides market intelligence to recruitment consultants for the financial sector. Subscribers get tipped off about vacancies and personnel ahead of their competition, thanks to AI-driven searches that spot patterns and provide insight.

UX Testing

Before a feature was introduced it was:

» Wireframed inside Balsamiq.
» Next, a designed prototype was tested on users (see example) to ensure it was intuitive.
» Once the feature was implemented and live, Hotjar was used to review its use by a wider audience.

UI Tools

Sketch was used to create a fully responsive layout and designed to leverage the Material design system. Designs were handed off to the development team by uploading them to Zeplin. Scroll down to see a selection of the screens below, or

» Click here to see all the screens.